Growth Through CX: You need some R & R

Hello Reader,

As a business owner, I'll be the first to acknowlege that some customers/clients can be A LOT. You may have days where nothing seems to go right and all you find yourself doing is putting out fires - you are NOT alone.

This week, I want to talk to you about Rapid Issue Resolution.

Rapid Issue Resolutuion is the process of quickly and effectively addressing and resolving customer problems and concerns.

When it comes to keeping customers happy, you need a lot of R & R. Yes, rest and relaxation but what I really mean is Responsiveness and Rapid Issue Resolution.

Here's a simple strategy to follow to implement Rapid Issue Resolution in your business:

  1. Identify potential issues: Look at past customer complaints, talk to customers and identify potential issues that may arise.
  2. Establish a dedicated team: Form a team or assign someone to be responsible for quickly resolving issues as they come up.
  3. Establish clear procedures: Develop clear procedures for different issues that you commonly deal with. Ex: Refunds, technical problems, delays etc.
  4. Train your employees: Employees should be trained on the procedures to follow when dealing with a complaint.
  5. Continuosly improve: Use data and feedback you're getting from customers AND employees to identify areas that need improvement and make adjustments as needed.

If you're thinking about developing your customer experience and you're not sure where to start, here are a few services/products I offer:

And of course, here's a free resource to get you started:

Until next time, have a wonderful week!

Maureen, Founder - Bawoni Consult

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Hi! I'm Maureen Atebawone

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